Spiritual Hypnotherapy - A Soul's Journey
Spiritual Hypnotherapy is an expansive field of work that helps people connect into their soul, and discover for yourself, the spirit realm and the journey of your Soul.
Spiritual Hypnotherapy is a method of helping you explore a world which might ordinarily be shut-down by your busy mind, self-doubt or critical thinking.
However, in these sessions we use gentle guided meditation techniques to help you access your intuition and powerful soul energy, which can awaken a whole new world within you.
Why do people have Spiritual Hypnotherapy sessions?
Common reasons people seek Spiritual Hypnotherapy include, to discover more about themselves as a soul, or to connect into the spirit realm, to meet their spirit guides and power animals, or to work with angels.
People also have a Spiritual Hypnotherapy session when they've lost their way, don't know their life purpose, or feel unfulfilled with life, as well as questioning if there is more to life than what they already know.
People also seek Spiritual Hypnotherapy to heal old wounds, work through grief, understand more about themselves and their many lives, to heal sickness such as cancer, and chronic pain and illnesses.
What kinds of sessions are available?
As with the nature of spiritual hypnotherapy, there is often cross over between sessions, and they are never limited by the titles below.
Meet your spirit guides
Connect with loved ones who have passed
Future life progression​​
Discover your Soul purpose
Discover and develop your abilities and gifts (psychic skills, clairvoyance, mediumship and more)
Spiritual Development
Spiritual / Psychic trauma healing
Soul retrieval
What's involved in a session?
You can choose to have a FREE consultation initially to discuss what you would like out of the sessions, then we go from there. Your appointments can be either in person in our seaside clinic in Wellington, New Zealand or via Skype anywhere in the world.
We will have a chat about your life, including your challenges as well as your dreams and desires, then we'll help you to connect into your soul energy to gain the most from your session as possible. There is no limit in Spiritual Hypnotherapy, and many people have been known to spontaneously channel even though they've never done it before, heal or journey into past lives or off world incarnations.
The goal for these sessions, and all of our work, is for you to have your own experience as opposed to visiting a traditional psychic who will tell you information.
We are all capable of connecting in ourselves, given the right circumstances, education and encouragement, as well as healing our limiting beliefs which keep us block and stuck.
Is it time you found out for yourself?
Contact us today for your FREE consultation in person or via phone or Skype, or phone us on
+64 220 594807.
Learn More
You can listen to an in-depth interview David has done for New Zealand Radio where he talks about Past Life Hypnotherapy and discusses a session he did for radio host Sonia Cole.
Click here to listen - Past Life - Sonia Cole interviews David Candy after having a session - click here to listen